Female Pleasure Guru Review: Getting Sex Right

Though it’s true that Jack Graves, the author of Female Pleasure Guru, typically defaults to calling penises “you know what,” that doesn’t mean that he’s got nothing to say. Graves’ content takes on the age-old question of how we can give a woman a really good time in bed, and though some of the content is a little bit muddled, some of it is definitely worth using.

Getting Acquainted with the Female Pleasure Guru

If a guy is going to call himself the Female Pleasure Guru, he better have lots of information to give us, and he does. In this package, you get five eBooks, including The Female Pleasure Guru, The Long Lasting Sex Formula, Stop Sexual Rejection, Female Orgasm Fast Track, and Multiple Orgasms For Men. The books are definitely on the simple side, so don’t pick up this set if you are looking for something slick and professional, but they’re very user-friendly. The tone the book sets is engaging and non-threatening, and when you are dealing with topics this sensitive, that’s probably the right way to go.

Female Pleasure Guru: The BundleIf you want to see we thought of these eBooks, keep reading!

Tone and How the Female Pleasure Guru Wins

One thing that the Female Pleasure Guru set gets right is the tone. It eases us into the topics presented, some of which are pretty heavy, it doesn’t place blame, and it really wants us to understand that sex is something that you do with your partner, not something to do to her. The words and phrasings that he uses are simple and easy to follow.

Female Pleasure Guru ebook cover

Female Pleasure Guru – Main eBook

This is not a book that is going to make you feel dumb or ask you to do things that you cannot do. The sheer amount of information (five eBooks, one of which is more than 100 pages long) can be a little daunting, but overall, the information is presented simply and clearly.

There are no pictures except for one cross-section of the female reproductive system that looks like it was taken right out of a college textbook.

All you need to do is make sure your penis enters the vagina at an angle that causes it to rub against her G-spot. And with that information you can have hours of fun figuring out new ways of trying hit your woman’s G-spot and giving her powerful G-spot orgasms for as long as you want.
-from The Pleasure Guru

quote about pleasuring a woman

“To understand where a woman likes to be touched you have to forget any assumptions and comparisons to what you like…”

Shaking With Pleasure Over the Gspot, but Don’t Get Carried Away

The part where the eBooks talk about the various types of female orgasms is extremely useful, and worth just about everyone’s attention. It goes into a lot of detail about the different types of orgasm, including clitoral, vaginal, g-spot, and anal. We get a lot of information on all four types, but the book pay a lot of attention of the g-spot.

Female Orgasm Fast Track eBook Cover

Female Orgasm Fast Track – 7 Emergency Tactics You Can Use Tonight to Give Your Woman an Explosive Orgasm

There’s an implication here that the g-spot is a magic button, and there is a lot of text devoted to the various different positions that you can use to access this spot on a woman and to help her enjoy it. In my experience with my own girlfriends, there’s no such thing as a magic button, and as with most things, it takes more fine-tuning than he is suggesting here.

Basically, these eBooks have good information, just remember to take it with a grain of salt.

Seriously, We’ve Read This Somewhere Before, and It Was Done Better Then

One eBook touches on multiple male orgasms and frankly, I’m not buying it. This sounds like information taken from other sources and rewritten. As it sounds like information I’ve read elsewhere delivered by a person with no experience in the area, I’d give this one a pass.

Multiple Orgasms For Men eBook Cover

Multiple Orgasms For Men – The Secret to More Pleasure and More Stamina for Men

Your breathing during this whole process is very important because it gives you full control while you stop your ejaculation and allows you to calmly experience an ejaculation free orgasm
-from Multiple Orgasms for Men

Need Confidence? The Female Pleasure Guru Comes Through For You

The Female Pleasure Guru advocates that men become leaders in bed while absolutely respecting a woman’s right to say no. This is pretty good, and the section on leadership in the main book is one of the best things in the series.

It tells guys to stop waiting on the sidelines expecting something good to happen to them, and instead it makes them more active. Too many men suffer in bed from being nervous or lacking in confidence, and this section maps out how you can act like a sex god even if you don’t feel like one. This ‘fake it until you make it’ approach is a good place to start if you are feeling worried about your prowess as a lover.

Signs of Passion: Detecting Them in Your Woman

There is actually a section in Stop Sexual Rejection called “Read Her Mind” and I was pretty shocked when it ended up being one of the better parts of the book. It starts off a bit weak by saying that you should avoid a verbal no from your lover at all costs, but then it redeems itself by saying that you should look for non-verbal signs that you should back off as well as non-verbal signs that you should keep going.

Stop Sexual Rejection eBook Cover

Stop Sexual Rejection – The Unique Approach to Initiating Sex So You Never Get Rejected Again

This is one thing that the eBooks do very well. They tell you to cool your jets, that you don’t need to go anywhere in a hurry, and that the more you know what’s going on in your lover’s mind, the better. This section lays out how to tell when a woman wants you to quit and when she wants you to keep going, and it is absolutely worth spending a lot of time here.

quote about the sex game metaphor

“In a computer game you have to complete a series of levels before you finally “finish the game” and if you can’t complete any of the levels then you can’t finish the game…”

Learning How to Act Like You Have It All, Even When You Don’t!

The most valuable advice that the Female Pleasure Guru gives is to act as if sex is no big deal. The book rightly points out that guys that see sex as a scarce resource come off as desperate and petty, while guys who act as if sex is something that they can get whenever they like seem more laid back and fun to be around.

This is absolutely right, and the eBooks show you how to act like sex doesn’t matter even if you are going through a dry spell. Pay close attention to this section, because it gives you lots of great tips on how to act as if sex is something you get every day. This takes pressure off of you, and it helps your girlfriend, wife, or partner relax as well.

If every time a situation arises where you could have sex you become desperate for it you instantly reduce your chances of getting it.
-from Stop Sexual Rejection

quote about premature ejaculation

“[…] while there are many causes of premature ejaculation, they can all be summarized by one main cause, which is: Not taking control of the pleasure you experience during sex”

Position Advice: Not Bad, Not Great

The eBook goes through four different positions to help with g-spot orgasms, and to be perfectly honest, they’re really only so-so. There’s nothing original about these positions. You could probably develop them on your own if you’ve got some time on your hands. It’s worth a read, but don’t think that you’re going to be learning any deep secrets here.

Learn Where to Touch Your Girlfriend, Using This Simple Color Coded Trick

The section on pleasure zones, found in Female Orgasm Fast Track, is pretty handy for guys that like a lot of direction. The eBook breaks female erogenous zones into two types, red and yellow, with red being more sensual and yellow being slightly less. It goes on to explain to us that both red and yellow zones are important, however, and this is something that comes in handy.

A lot of guys want really specific instructions, and in terms of communication style, this meshes poorly with some women, who prefer some spontaneity and some intuition from their partners.

The red and yellow zones take some of the guesswork out of the process and give you a clear map over what to touch, how to do it in a way that your partner enjoys, and what order to do things in. There’s a lot of emphasis on how you can use them to please your partner and to make sure that you are not missing any important steps.

It’s just totally unrealistic to masturbate for a minute or two, but then when it comes to sex, expect to last 20 to 30 minutes.
-from The Long Lasting Sex Formula

The Long Lasting Sex Formula eBook Cover

The Long Lasting Sex Formula – The Proven 6 Step Formula Any Men Can Use to End Premature Ejaculation and Last Longer in Bed Starting Tonight

Slow Down Right Now!

These books are honestly a little muddled, but one thing that keeps cropping up over and over again is that you must slow down, both for your own endurance and for your partner’s enjoyment. One of the most useful advice that the books provide is that you should ignore porn. Porn will not teach you anything good, and in fact, it will teach you a lot of ridiculous things on top of it.

More than just telling you to slow down, however, the eBooks tell you how to slow down, how to take your time and how to get your instincts and your desires under control

Ignore all signs of female pleasure in porn. Although the women may be acting satisfied, you’ve got to remember that’s what they’re being paid for and that’s what they’re job depends on.
-from Female Orgasm Fast Track

I Already Bought Your Book, and Other Reasons to Stop Advertising to Me

One irritating thing about this set is that you’ll be reading along, enjoying what the eBook is trying to say to you, and suddenly, the text diverts into a sales ad for another book. Pretty tacky, very jarring, and really annoying.

quote from the ebook Female Pleasure Guru

Up-selling and cross-selling are very popular and there is nothing intrinsically “bad” about it, we are just making you aware of it, that’s our service for you.

Sex Guides Need to Cover a Wide Range of Body Types

Personal nitpick, but I think that if you are going to write eBooks about how people use their bodies, you should know more about them. There was no information about variations on female anatomy, and there was also no information on how the instructions change if you have a foreskin. The World Health Organization suggests that only about 30% of people in the world are circumcised. I had some hope that he would address this in the area about personal hygiene, but no luck.

Wrapping It All Up

At the end of the day, we can say that if you want a basic book that speaks more to the mind than the body, definitely pick up the Female Pleasure Guru. There’s some good information here, but you definitely have to spend some time looking for it.

Screenshot of the Female Pleasure Guru program

Female Pleasure Guru: The Bundle

If you do end up picking it up, do yourself a favor and focus on the areas that we’ve mentioned here!

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In the past 11 years, Deon has helped tens of millions of people around the world through his sex toy reviews and guides. Since 2012, he and his team have spent over 60,000 hours testing more than 1000 sex toys. His work & advice has appeared on websites like: Insider, Healthline, MensHealth, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, Romper, WomensHealth and more. Learn more.