G-Vibe Review: Innovative Shape Brings Exquisite Sensation

Luxury toys are great. One of the things that makes them so awesome is the fact that the companies that produce them think outside the box! When I first saw the G-Vibe vibrator from Fun Toys, I actually had to blink for a moment. I had never before seen a vibrator with a split top like that. I’ll admit that I was a little baffled, but the included instructions gave me a few ideas on how to use it.

The Fun Toys G-Vibe takes a little bit of getting used to, but this is one sex toy that can give you a lot of pleasure if you are willing to work with it!

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Opening Up: Slight Indiscreet Packaging to Watch Out For

I came home the other day and found the package for the G-Vibe on my doorstep. It was tilted against my door. Right on top was a black and white label declaring the contents to include a “Waterproof Mini-Massager”. This is a disappointment as the rest of the packaging was discreet. Keep that in mind if you are purchasing this toy while living with judgmental family or roommates.

A little later, I wondered if they had reused a box because there’s nothing “mini” about the G-Vibe.

g-vibe mini massager

This is the label on the side. Did they reuse the box? Be careful if you’re ordering and you need to be discreet!

When I slit open the package, I found brown paper packaging and sleek black box wrapped in plastic. The box itself is a high quality carrier for the toy inside, which rests in a cut-foam bed. Everything looked great when I pulled it out, and I did an inventory of what I got.

What’s In the Box

g-vibe open

A slightly more artistic view of everything that you get, including the lovely box.

Including the vibrator itself, you also receive a USB charger, a simple set of instructions, and a soft microfiber bag. There’s also a cute art postcard that’s currently hanging up on my wall.

I’ll admit, I’m slightly put off by the fact that you get a USB charger and not one that plugs into a conventional outlet. I also know that this is becoming common, so I should get with the times!

As always, rechargeable toys are great, and the soft bag is large enough to hold everything.

The instructions are fun; they contain lots of ideas for what to do with the toy, which I’m quite grateful for. When I first saw the G-Vibe, I had a few ideas on how to use it. The instructions were definitely worth a look.

Weird Shape, Wonderfully Soft, Easy Controls

Aside from the exotic shape, the first thing that I noticed was that this toy is on the larger side. The insertable length is about six inches. The circumference of the toy is between 3.75 inches and 4.5 inches depending on where you measure. It’s a good thing this toy is capable of both external and internal stimulation. Otherwise, it is right out for women who need their toys a bit slimmer.

holding g-vibe

Here’s the G-Vibe itself. You can see the stretch of the ears and how large it is in my hand.

The next thing to notice is that this toy is soft and pleasing to the touch. The texture has an almost skin-like feel to it, and it’s one of the things that tells me that this is good toy. You just don’t get a texture like that on cheap options!

The two ears of the vibrator are quite bendable, allowing me to bring them together with no problem at all. There are three motors inside this toy, one at the base, and one in each ear, so that promises a lot of power.

Charging the toy is simple; it comes with a minimal charge, and it was completely charged for me in less than an hour. Getting the charger into the toy takes some firmness, though, so do not be afraid to push!

The controls are simple and intuitive. A plus button increases the intensity or turns the device on, while a minus button reduces intensity or turns the device off. Between the two is a button marked with a wave that is intended to change modes, which are discussed below.

g-vibe buttons

Easy controls, with plus for on and more, minus for off and less, and the wave button for different modes.

Also, remember to use a water-based lubricant. Using a silicone lube on this toy WILL cause deterioration!

Now that that’s out of the way, we can jump right in to the real action of the review.

Power: Less Than I Was Expecting

I usually expect toys of this caliber to run between gentle to “knock my teeth loose,” but the G-Vibe keeps it to a dull roar. This startled me, given the three engines setup. I think because of the softness of the ears, there’s a lot of vibration lost, especially when the ears are inserted. This is a quality toy, and you get a lot of sensation, but it’s not as powerful as some of the other toys available.

Handles Easily, Despite Size

I was using this toy on my back. In this position, the control buttons are pointed towards the ceiling and easy to access. I love the tilt at the handle and the hole through it, as this makes the controls more accessible and the toy itself easy to grip.

I’m not sure I can recommend this sex toy to someone with hand issues. Due to the size and to the positioning required, even my hands got a bit sore after a while.

Both Ears Inserted Vaginally: A Bit Uncomfortable

To get started, I applied tons of lube to both ears, pinched them together and pushed them in. I have to say this wasn’t the most comfortable position in the world. The spreading feeling kept giving me flashbacks to the gynecologist’s office. The toy does bear a resemblance to a speculum, which made things a little weird. I don’t think I’ll be using it like this in the future. This position does provide G-spot stimulation.

One Ear Inserted Vaginally, The Other On the Clitoris: My Absolute Favorite

I love this position! You have to work to make sure that the ear hits the clit, and the inserted ear does not hit the G-spot as it bends in the opposite direction. Despite that, this was a lot of fun. This is how I’ll be using this toy to get off, and it’s perfect for anyone who loves both clitoral stimulation and penetration.

Vaginal and Anal Penetration: Awkward but Satisfying!

I like double penetration a lot, and I can recommend this toy for that purpose with a single caveat. It’s great once its inserted, but insertion is a little tricky, especially if you’re using lots of lube like you should. The curve of the ears fight you but they’re soft enough that double penetration is quite possible. Once in, it’s enjoyable, but it takes some doing!

Penis Stimulation: Simple Good Times

Though this is marketed as a toy for people with vaginas, people with penises can also join in on the fun. I tried both of the suggestions made by the instruction book for penis stimulation. In the end, I got the best result just from stroking the fork of the toy along my boyfriend’s shaft. He also enjoyed my pressing it hard against the base of his penis.

Breast Stimulation: One at a Time Is Nice

The instruction booklet suggested using the tips of the ears to stimulate both nipples at once. Unless you are small on top and quite narrow to boot, this will not work. It is pleasant to press the fork of the toy to first one nipple and then the other.

Six Modes of Vibration: Pick Your Favorite, But Have Some Fun Experimenting!

There are six modes of vibration to choose from, but the best one hands down is the first, the constant vibrations.

The others, a pulse with a long interval, a pulse with a shorter interval, a rapid ascending pulse, a slower ascending pulse and an unpredictable mode, are less interesting. That is going to be up to personal preference.

Use the second setting, the pulse with the long interval, for clitoral and vaginal stimulation. This works well to create a real ripple of sensation.

Noise: Not Too Loud

This toy definitely makes noise as it is so powerful. It is not whisper-quiet. It is discreet enough to avoid notice by people in the next room. I call that a win.

The More You Put In, the Better It Is

g-vibe side view

Another view of the G-Vibe itself. Seriously, you’re going to love how soft the texture is!

At first glance, it’s easy to dismiss the G-Vibe. It has a strange shape. It takes some fiddling before it settles correctly against your body. It can be downright uncomfortable until you figure it out.

The points in the G-Vibe’s favor is that it is a genuinely high-quality toy. There is a lot of flex to the ears, so the experience can be adjusted. The controls are easy to use and intuitive. This might be the most versatile vibrator I’ve used yet.

This is not the sex toy to pick up when you want a fast orgasm. It’s a sex toy to whip out when you want to spend some time playing with yourself and getting lots of new sensations. It’s great for partner-play.

I would recommend this toy to an adventurous person who has some patience and who loves quality!

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