Aneros Evi Review: Kegel Exercise and Powerful Pleasure

Aneros is known best for its male prostate massage toys, and now it has decided to branch out into women’s toys as well. The Evi is Aneros’s first foray into female pleasure, and as such, I was excited to get it into my hot little hands. In summation, this is definitely the right Kegel exerciser when you want a workout, and it makes a delightful companion to sexual play!

This is definitely a dual purpose toy, so sit back and get ready as we take the Aneros Evi apart for your enjoyment and edification!

Hiding from the Neighbors: Getting the Evi Home

Aneros is a top of the line company with clients from a wide variety of backgrounds. I frankly would have been shocked if their packaging was anything other than discreet, and I was pleased to see that I was right.

The package arrived in a plain brown box with nothing on it beyond my address and a shipping address from HIH Shipping Dept on the return address line.

When I got the box open, I found a gorgeously sleek little red and white box that slid open to reveal a fancy, curve-edged box with the Evi nestled inside.

Plain Looks

There is not very much in the box. You get the toy itself, the plastic molding for the toy to sit in, and a thin page of instructions. Frankly, I’m here for the toy, and I’m not much bothered by the lack of bells and whistles!


You can get the relative size of the Evi here – Note how narrow the stem is and the size of the bulb, which is the insertable part

I could wish the instructions were a little more detailed, but it tells me which way the Evi is meant to go in and provides me with a few ideas regarding how to use it. All good, time to address the Evi itself!

First Glance

My first impression of the Evi was that it was cute! The one I got is fire-engine red, and as soon as I got it in my hands, I was in love with the velvety texture. I know some people are not so fond of the silicone texture, but I’m a big fan. It doesn’t feel like skin, but it does feel amazing.


There’s a tiny amount of give to the toy itself, and when I start to handle it, it warms up nicely. There is a bit of heft to the toy, though it is far from heavy, and the bulb portion that is meant to be inserted is wonderfully smooth.

This toy definitely obeys the KISS principle, that is, Keep It Sweet and Simple.

Getting Started: No Silicone Lubricant, No Anal Play

This toy is made of silicone. Silicone lubricant will destroy it. I can’t find mention of this fact anywhere on the user guide or on the box at all, so here it is for you. Don’t use silicone lube on it! I’m using my favorite, Liquid Silk, for this review, which is water-based and fantastic.

Similarly, this is not an anal toy. This is worth mentioning as Aneros’s toys are otherwise designed for anal insertion. However, this one is not.

I washed the Evi off with warm and soapy water, and I got right to work!

First Impressions: Nice and Smooth!

My first thought upon inserting the Evi was “Wow, that went a lot faster than it usually did.” I am a little narrow and sometimes have trouble inserting vaginal toys, but the sleekness of the bulb definitely did its job. I used a fair amount of lube, and there’s a moment before it’s all the way in where I thought it was going to be uncomfortable, but nope!


Another view from another angle – The long arm sits against the clitoris

Once in, this baby locks to your body nicely. The slender “neck” gives your body something to hang on to even as the longer stem rests neatly between the labia.

As soon as I had it in, I walked around my apartment, did a few jumping jacks, a couple of squat thrusts, and stood up and sat down a few times. No movement at all from the toy, and I am very pleased.

Kegel Wonders

When I clenched my kegels experimentally, I received the right ‘feeling’ from it. If you do kegel exercises, you will know what I mean. There is enough girth and sturdiness to this toy to hold up nicely to daily exercises of this sort.

For those not in the know, this toy is designed to strengthen the pelvic floor, something that can get stretched and less strong from age and childbirth among other things. Working the pelvic floor with a toy like the Evi tightens things up.

After just a little bit, I can tell right away that this toy is fantastic for that purpose. It is discreet, comfortable and secure, and it makes Kegel exercises pleasant and straightforward.

However, that’s not where my interest in the toy really begins….

Locking Vaginal Plug! My Search Is Over!

As someone who considers kink and BDSM a big part of my identity, I have a strong interest in toys that are related to my choices in the bedroom. I love anal plugs because of the fact that they lock to the body, but until now, I have not had any luck finding a vaginal toy that did the same.

The Aneros Evi is exactly what I was looking for when it came to a vaginal insertable that can be worn. I have seriously not run into another toy that can do what this one does.

G-Spot Stimulation: Searching It Out, Working For It

This is designed to be a G-spot stimulator, and at first, I just wasn’t feeling it. I squirmed around a little, but for some reason, this toy just wasn’t hitting my G-spot at all.

This startles me, as Aneros has a real reputation for ‘hitting the target’ as it were, for the male prostate. Surely that would transfer over?

What finally did it for me was lying down on my back and tilting my pelvis slightly with my feet flat on the bed. That was what it took to get the toy to nudge my G-spot.

Checking the instructions in the User Guide, I found that I should get my feet completely underneath me and thrust up. Yes, this does make it hit my G-spot! Lesson learned, read the instructions first! I did not manage to have a hands-free orgasm, but as someone who is not totally in love with G-spot stimulation, that’s totally fine. I did give it a good try, working at it for around 20 minutes, but though there was a lot of fun, I could tell I wasn’t getting close to an orgasm at all.

That brings me to the clitoral stimulation arm. I don’t know if it’s just me, but for some reason, this just could not do the trick. I got some stimulation, but it wasn’t nearly enough to get myself to orgasm. It actually felt just a little too long. This may be something that is not an issue for a woman with slightly different anatomy than I have, so don’t let this minor thing throw you off!


Here’s a shot of everything that you get when you order the Evi from Aneros!

Experiencing Orgasm with the Evi

At this point, I was very much enjoying the Evi, but there was no orgasm in sight, and I was not all that surprised. Hands-free orgasms are something to work up to, and I assume that no matter how good the toy is or how well designed it is, it is no different.

If you are interested in hands-free pleasure, whether you are there already or you are interested in getting at some point, this is absolutely a good toy to start off with.

I decided I wanted to try the Evi with some other toys, and after a little bit of fooling around, I realized that that there were two clear winners.

First, the Evi with any kind of vibration is awesome. I just tapped the head of my Hitachi to the clitoral arm, and that was a great way to get to a fast orgasm.

Second, the Evi pairs well with an anal plug. The feeling of fullness, especially when you throw a vibrator on top of that is fantastic.

Would I recommend the Evi as a solo toy? Absolutely. It’s perfect for the patient, for the people who are invested in hands free pleasure, and for those who like to feel full without worrying about their hands.

Would I recommend the Evi as a toy for use with other toys? Absolutely!

Summing Up

The Evi is a fantastic Kegel exercise toy, and it has tons of potential as a sex toy as well. I couldn’t get the hands-off orgasm that some women can get, but at some point, I am definitely going to go back and give it a whirl.

I would absolutely recommend this toy for someone who is looking for something a little extra to add to their playtime or someone who was interested in the BDSM aspects of having a very stable, very secure vaginal plug.

Over all, one of the best toys I’ve reviewed for yet!


Kegel exercises: A how-to guide for women

Effects of Sex Education and Kegel Exercises on the Sexual Function of Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

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