16 Best Rabbit Vibrators For Singles and Couples to Try Now!

Lelo Soraya Insignia

Since they first hopped on to the market, rabbit vibrators have been a staple sex-toy. Whether stashed away for private play or embraced by couples as a reliable foreplay aid, one thing is for sure, the simultaneous stimulation is pretty hard to beat.

Rabbit vibrators – so named for the sleek paired ‘ears’ that caress your clitoris – are an effective solution to a harrowing problem and so much fun! Although it is worth mentioning that modern models have moved away from the traditional dual fronds in recent years…

Newer designs provide far more intense and wide-spread vibrations and cater to a range of body types. So, it should come as no surprise that we have crowned a contemporary rabbit as our overall winner as the best rabbit vibrator in 2019: the Soraya Rechargeable by Lelo.

We have rounded up 16 rabbits to review, so you don’t waste a single cent on something that isn’t hell-bent on getting you off.

Here Are the Most Important Factors That We Have Compared:

Our selections are based on tough criteria, to make sure you are getting the pleasure you deserve. Here’s how we picked;

✅ Ability to Get You Off – we want you to get your money’s worth.

✅ Comfort – which ought to go without saying, we all know exactly where this toy is headed!

✅ Safety – we kid you not, there are more than a few hazardous toys lurking in the low-priced regions.

✅ Noise levels – we know some of you have to keep your toys on the down-low and let’s face it noise can be a distracting mood-killer.

✅ Versatility – the sex-toy market is very saturated and the rabbit models on offer are pretty competitive but some are less interesting than others and just can’t live up to our libido in the long-term.

✅ Discretion – All of the rabbits we have chosen come from reputable companies who package them and post them without any telltale signs, so there’s no need for embarrassment.

With our rabbit guidelines in mind, let’s get our reviews underway.

1) Lelo Soraya Rechargeable – Best for Busy Modern Women.

Lelo Soraya Insignia

See It

We are kick-starting our reviews with one of the best bunnies out there. Open your minds and forget its odd-looks for orgasms galore. It has a *cough cough* unique shape but its sleek curves are amazing. It has a tonne of positive reviews and is a great option if you find it difficult to climax.

The settings have a wide range of adjustments and can be tweaked until your eyes-roll into the back of your head. It is a contemporary dual rabbit that stimulates everywhere all at once.

Modern options like this one suit many different body-types and feel damn-near heavenly. So if you haven’t found a traditional rabbit that satisfies your needs, you should give this one a go.

It has an ABS core that may look a little weird but cleverly incorporates a handle that lets you keep a firm grasp. This could be one of its best attributes TBH. I find vibrators can be seriously tricky to keep a hold of, especially if they are maxed out and you are close to exploding.

If you want something less obvious-looking, this is a superb solution and it comes with a girly stash-pouch to help keep your dirty-little-secret safe.

Things We Liked:

  • Flexible, comfortable material choices.
  • Variety of settings to explore.
  • Easy to keep hold of.
  • A quiet model that won’t be heard by your household.
  • No veins or other anatomical clues, not that I’d personally pop it on display for all and sundry.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • Looks pretty peculiar with its ABS center.
  • Pricey as f***, so start saving.

2) Rose Petal Rabbit Vibrator – Best for Women Who Love Oral.

petal rabbit vibrator

See It

This next rabbit is another uniquely shaped, insatiable number. It is beautifully designed with a well-proportioned tip that features a spiraling external design that enters and exits with textures that tease. The shaft harbors strong, premium quality motors, that silently thunder building to higher-heights.

It rotates and vibrates in a classic rabbit style but also provides a special attachment in the style of a cute, little rose that gives it its name-sake and gives your clit the attention it deserves.

The rose-tip attachment has soft individual petals that tickle your skin. The folds of the flower create a gentle vacuum that builds and releases rapidly. This creates a sucking-action and with just the right amount of lube, it is pretty realistic.

So, If you’re a big fan of oral and have no-one to share your bed with on a lonely night this might be just the ticket.

With deeply-powerful vibrations to share and smoothly luxurious silicone, the Rose Petal Rabbit Vibrator is bound to leave you shaky in the knees.

The controls are independent for each of the parts so you can customize your orgasm regime with all kinds of crazy combos. Select your speed with ease and cruise from A to OMG with this cute little whirlwind.

Things We Liked:

  • It has a separate dial for the shaft and rose tip speeds which allows you to discover what you really like.
  • The shape of the tip is tapered for a smoother, more enjoyable entry.
  • The spiral details below the tip provide an interesting sensation.
  • The rose tip design is very unique and is better positioned than many other clit attachments.
  • The settings go from barely noticeable to full-blown.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • The rose-design is a little strange to look at.
  • It is battery operated, so you are going to need to stock-up if you have an appetite.

3) Lelo Ina 2 – Best for Experimentation.

lelo ina

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Next up, we have the newest model that should be on every girl’s wild-side wish-list. With a sky-high retail price, it is a pretty extravagant buy but if the cheaper Lelo models are anything to go by then this one must be one hell of a rampant rabbit.

Lelo Ina 2 features a modern vibrator design, with no ears on display. Sometimes with a rabbit vibrator, it can feel like there is just too much going on with the ears out of sync with the shaft. This one operates both parts in unison for superior stimulation and a more fulfilling overall experience.

Okay, so it is completely self-indulgent because it costs a lot but what price do you put on a guaranteed orgasm anyway? If the price is waaaay out of your budget then it would make a great gift, so get hinting at your boyfriend or girlfriend, this one is great for couple-play.

It is completely flexible and the secondary arm can perform the function of a flared base making it safe for anal use if you’re that way inclined. It comes beautifully packaged with a velour storage pouch to keep it from prying eyes.

Things We Liked:

  • It has a smooth comfortable body with a non-traditional design.
  • It provides a luxurious high-end option that promises a climax every time.
  • It has a far-wider surface area than traditional rabbit ears and provides intense clitoral stimulation.
  • It is great for couples to play together.
  • It is a versatile vibrator that can be used safely for anal and vaginal use.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • It has a price to wince about, that is…until your knees are weak and you’ve had your money’s worth.

4) Eve’s Sexy Things Rabbit – Best for High Libido.

sexy things rabbit

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This next powerful tool has a voluptuous, ribbed tip with a pearl-stuffed shaft and is crowned with a sturdy yet soft TPR crown… Built like a futuristic brick-house, the heavy-duty dual motors power a 7-speed rabbit and rotating shaft beads with 5 speeds.

With such a tempting range of settings, you are probably going to have to think up more than a few excuses for taking a rain check on whatever plans you had in mind.

It has a much wider shaft and a longer length than your average rabbit. SO much fullness, with so much stimulation all at once, everywhere! The top gyrates, giving life-like stimulation and the pearls thunder around the insides.

This baby can be extremely strong and a little noisy, but so is the Incredible Hulk. It’ll leave you as devastated as New York City after an alien invasion (but a lot happier, and with less structural damage).

Be warned! This is probably not the best for those who have to share an apartment. Noise was on our criteria tick-list but its ability to make you climax and the diverse setting trumped everything else. If you are less concerned with who hears and just need a sweet release then throw caution to the wind.

Things We Liked:

  • The penis-shaped tips can slip in easily.
  • The rabbit ears have their own dedicated motor and are seriously powerful.
  • The beads don’t get stuck like some crappy pearl-shafted models.
  • The ribbing adds extra G-spot stimulation.
  • It has finger grooves in the base to help you keep a hold of it whilst its in full swing.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • The pearls whilst powerful are a little louder than we’d like, not one to try with guests in the spare room.

5) Evolved Wild Orchid Vibrator – Best for Intense Vibrations.

wild orchid vibrator

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For long-lasting pleasure, you can hardly go wrong with this intense and luxurious vibrator. It sports a unique flexible design that will focus on all your hot spots at once and offer unbeatable comfort. The multi-functional motors give you up-to 24 pulsing and escalating patterns.

Twenty-four! Not that you’ll be able to keep count once this thing gets going. It has a wide center that gives you a much fuller feeling and keeps your G-spot well and truly taken care of.

USB rechargeable, it’ll hold a powerful charge for 1 to 2 hours straight…You’ll be finished before it is! You can take it into the bath or shower for some glorious upgraded personal time because it’s completely waterproof.

The outer arm is made with a less-rigid material than the shaft to freely hum and thrum against your clit wildly whilst you bathe in delight.

With strong vibrations and an amazing smooth silicone finish, the Wild Orchid is a fantastic option if you’re looking for an ultra-premium toy built to last. You can switch between inner and outer sensations in an instant or set them both on full-blast. Almost silent and utterly deadly!

Things We Liked:

  • Fuller form that spreads the stimulation further and keeps it right where you want it.
  • The motors can operate separately so you can switch it up, awesome for a bit of foreplay if you are sharing your toys.
  • USB rechargeable so you can forget about buying batteries.
  • It can be used in the bath for a relaxing climax.
  • Powerful max vibrations that are pretty addictive.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • The tip is a little pointy which might not be to everyone’s preference.

6) The Very Wide Rabbit Vibrator – Best for Size-Queens.

wide rabbit vibrator

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Want an experience that’ll leave you weak in the knees and wondering what day of the week it is? Look no further, insatiable size queens! Here we go, somebody has reached into your wildest fantasies and pulled out a truly massive specimen!

The Very Wide Rabbit Vibrator, is one of the biggest on the web, it has a toe-curling 2.5” diameter and an impressive dual motor that’ll rock your world and rattle your teeth if you dare.

The shaft is anatomically shaped with raised vein details in the place of synthetic ribbing, that feel great when moving inside of you. It really is different from the other rabbits out there and not just because of its giant stature but because the gyration is more intense than the vibration.

Larger than life, this is another good option for a partner to pleasure or maybe even punish you with. Just the tip, is a challenge in itself. It will arouse you as soon as you start to insert it and he’ll love watching you with it.

Once you have managed the first hurdle, lie back and enjoy the immense proportions. An outstanding toy and a delicious challenge!

Things We Liked:

  • Monstrous proportions that are ambitious but hot as hell.
  • The material is very fleshy and makes it easier to take the girth.
  • The outer part is large and feels like a tongue when lubed and trust us you will need a generous helping of lube.
  • Men will enjoy watching you work your way through your vibrator stash, up to this one.
  • Ideal for BDSM couples.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • Maybe not a rabbit that everyone can use frequently.
  • May leave you walking like John Wayne.
  • Has a full-blown light show in gyration mode which is hysterical but… yeah… um…no thanks…

7) Mantric Rechargeable – Best for Adventurous Couples.

mantric rechargeable

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If you find rabbit ears ridiculous or frustrating because they don’t quite seem to stay attentive to your clit, then you inevitably have to shop for a modern design. I was a little baffled by this strange looking beast but I fell in love the minute I ticked it off my bucket list. I know it looks odd but you won’t regret the investment one tiny bit.

Rabbits tend to be skinny but this one is thick. It offers-up 7 modes of vibration to keep a greedy girl content. The dual stimulation is breathtaking, you may even have to turn it off for a moment’s rest.

The engorged tip is filling and aims straight for your G-spot, so if you haven’t found yours yet… Trust me you will! Turn the radio up because you are going to find it hard to stay quiet… The motors provide a constant throbbing that will have you reaching for a pillow to moan into.

This is another great one for couples to give a go because it’s comfortable for double penetration. The neck is designed to be nice and slim so there’s plenty of room for him to slide inside your behind and enjoy the vibrations too.

Things We Liked:

  • Steadily progressive settings from chill to thrill, you can watch TV or go to town.
  • Dual stimulation.
  • Not instantly recognizable if you leave it out for granny to see!
  • Great for couple play.
  • Safe for DP.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • Some people might prefer something more slender.
  • It looks like a weird science-fiction movie prop.

8) G3 Massager – Best for a Speedy Session.

G silicone massager

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Up your O-game with this unique, body-shaking, premium vibrator with a velvety soft silicone body. It has a beautiful spiral shaft with two bulging sections to wrap your lips around.

The tip is tapered to help you ease it in and the whole thing functions as a guided missile with the co-ordinates for your G-spot locked-in. Don’t be put off by its strange appearance it has been made with multiple orgasms on the menu.

Describing the ride on this beauty is like watching race car reviews on Top Gear. Words like ‘torque” and “horsepower’ should potentially be involved, perhaps even a five-point harness.

Remember that with great power comes great responsibility, so start slow and douse yourself with plenty of oil before you fire up the engines to see what this baby can really do.

You can quickly cycle through 7 accelerating speeds on each of its 3 motors incredibly easily. Each will leave you more aroused than the last. It has a convenient rapid-recharge function that works via USB, so you can throw away the batteries.

It is completely waterproof, so expect an increase in your water bills because you’re going to want to shower for much, mmmmuch longer. Enjoy!

Things We Liked:

  • Intriguing shaft shape.
  • Long soft bunny ears that treat your clit to a whirlwind of motion.
  • Perfect shower-buddy.
  • The settings on this toy will blow your mind.
  • Max speeds are insane.

Things We Didn’t Like:
It does look a tad extra-terrestrial but then again, the orgasms are out of this world.
Bit of a lube guzzler, so be sure to buy a big bottle.

9) 50 Shades of Grey Greedy Girl G-spot Rabbit Vibrator– Best for Experienced Women.

greedy rabbit vibrator

See It

A sinful vision in matte black silicone, this rabbit vibrator will inspire you to write your own steamy novels. Only with better grammar. Like Christian Grey himself, this large, insatiable toy doesn’t come cheap – but it’s probably worth the investment and is certainly less demanding.

It has a long, rigid but flexible shaft with a large curved head that aims to please. So surrender for penetration far harder than Mr. Grey’s dark, brooding stare. With its deeper plunge and dizzying array of settings, you can have all the pleasure you like in your red room – without any of the pain.

The ears flicker against your clit with patterns that tease, they are deceptively strong but silent, like our favorite leading man.

No worries about batteries here either, a two hour USB charge ensures at least 60 to 90 minutes of constant hot action, if you think you can handle it. Hold on for dear life, the vibrations are immensely strong on all three bunny speeds.

You might just need a safe-word if you’re playing together with this one because it will up the ante on you quicker than you can say ‘yellow’-Where do I sign?

Things We Liked:

  • Penetrates deeply.
  • Curved head heads straight for the target.
  • The speeds are immense.
  • Comfortable silicone with a completely smooth shaft.
  • Recharges quickly via USB.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • No complaints here…What’s not to like?

10) Posh Silicone Bounding Bunny – Best for Petite Women.

posh silicone bunny

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Upping the ante with variations and options, the dual motors pleasure you with ten modes each. Ten! That’s enough variety of vibration, pulsation, and patterns to lather you up and put you to bed wet every day of the week, with adventures to spare!

Spoiled for choice, you will find yourself in love with its curves and its low price-tag, which makes it a real cheap date by any standards. The satiny silicone warms quickly to skin temperature and coats a shorter shaft which is comfier to tuck-away.

The gentle forward curve is perfectly angled for merciless, toe-curling pressure on your G-spot.

A  good choice if you have hand or wrist issues, this sweet indulgence is lightweight and easy to use. Waterproofed for venturing outside of the bedroom, you can take this submersible beaut to the bathroom for a sexy-soak, but be careful the silicone is slippery when wet.

It is damn near-silent, for a sneaky release but it will create waves and hit the side of the tub if it unexpectedly jettisons. Keep it under control if you aren’t home alone! Battery bunnies aren’t the best but this one seems to go for days. So you’re sure to tire before this bad-boy is through with you.

Things We Liked:

  • Low-noise, you’ll probably cause far more of a ruckus than it does.
  • Ten titillating vibe variations.
  • Lightweight, easy pleasure.
  • Bath-time bunny.
  • Affordable arousal that you won’t feel guilty about.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • Its 2019 can we not just stick to USB or mains and be done with the blasted batteries?

11) Jopen Lust L16 – Best for Traveling.

lust by jopen

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If modern art and primal desire had a love child, it would be the Jopen Lust L16. Smooth and sleekly shaped, with sensual, soft curves this rabbit is designed to deliver the goods every time.

Resembling a swan rather than a rabbit the outer-parts provide much more attentive arm to stimulate your clit with. Angled for absolute arousal it promises levels of intimacy that you have to feel to believe.

Essentially inaudible; it is bound to have you stifling your moans, biting your lips and when it’s finished, you’ll be left speechless. Five functions up for grabs, each a little more ambitious than the last – with incremental, easy-reach controls that can build you up at whatever rate you wish.

Lube up and let loose! The tip is rounded for G-spot pressure and the outside is fit for endless ecstasy!

Featuring a USB charger that juices it up for over two hours, you can explore every sexy combination possible. Prepare to experience a new favorite way to climax, because this is toe-curling technology at its best.

The powerful modern motors are cutting-edge and it will take you over the edge with it, so take a leap of faith in this freaky looking thing.

Things We Liked:

  • USB hallelujah.
  • Practically silent, so no one will guess what you’re up to if you can manage to hide your grin.
  • 5 patterns that can be kicked-up to high-velocity.
  • Unique shape that hits the spot.
  • Clever security travel lock so you can have your wicked way on a weekend getaway.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • It only lasts around half an hour at full-steam, so be sure to pack the charger if you do take it on your travels, or you may exhaust the battery before it exhausts you.

12) Wild G-spot Vibrator – Best for Women Who Rarely Climax.

wild vibrator

See It

So very, very hot. With a mind-bending twist on regular rabbit vibrators, this one has two extra ‘ears’ for super-intense clitoral stimulation. Designed specifically with those who have trouble reaching orgasm in mind, its shapely form maximizes internal contact with your G-spot and does not quit.

The jelly-like shaft rotates around and features pleasure pearls that powerfully whir. This increases the intensity tenfold. The tip is slickly angled to perfection and rotates to massage your most sensitive areas in a rhythmic motion that is totally unrelenting.

It is slightly smaller than some rabbits but what it lacks in size it more than makes up for with its triple-action technique. With 3 rotations and 3 vibration intensities, the combination of ears and pearls topped with a tilted tip for easy-entry will soon send you into spasms of satisfaction.

Superior-handling of all of your erogenous zones is to be expected with the additional external stimulation provided by the bonus parts.

If you’re looking for a great time and loooove clit play, or hubbies never seen your O-face then this is without a doubt the vibrator that you are both looking for. It’s a little loud, but you will no doubt be too.

Things We Liked:

  • The smaller shaft is ideal for beginners.
  • The TPE is soft inside your vagina.
  • The rotation isn’t ridiculous.
  • It has a trifecta effect, you won’t know what has hit you.
  • Triple clit stimulation.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • It is on the noisier side because of it pearls and high-speed motors but with so many settings on offer that can be forgiven.

13) Silicone Jack Rabbit – Best for Beginners.

silicone jack rabbit

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So maybe it is embarrassing to admit it but I raced out to buy the original Jack Rabbit as soon as I could. After seeing its dirty-debut on Sex and the City I simply couldn’t wait. This newer model is wayyyyy better…

Maybe even too good. Ideal for newbies but we suggest going slowly. The vibrations are hell-a-intense, try turning it the wrong way around to get yourself wet and save some cash on the lube. Heck, that may be enough.

If you make it to the penetration round there’s plenty more in store. The head is generously swollen to get your G-spot going.

The shaft powerfully shudders inside whilst the ears flutter away. It has seven separate settings to explore, each with speed variables. Enough to keep even the most experienced of users entertained.

It is perfect for women who have a guy that likes to watch them pleasure themselves. You can put on a good show because the settings make climaxing tough to resist.

The slow modes are idyllic for kinky foreplay, and he won’t be able to resist getting involved. It has plenty to offer and the rapid-end settings are a mind-blowing, rampant ride… Impatient vixens form an orderly queue…

Things We Liked:

  • Quiet pearls for maintaining a good-girl image.
  • Rotations are great for people who get easily bored.
  • Good toy to explore together with plenty for partners to take charge of.
  • Perfect first rabbit with traditional ears to tickle your fancy.
  • Doesn’t cost the earth.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • Some people can’t get the ears to hit the spot.
  • If it measures up for you, then you might find yourself with less of a social life. Especially if you have a libido as higher than your Manolo heels.

14) Happy Rabbit Thrusting – Best for Single Ladies.

happy rabbit thrusting

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Okay, so the word thrust might frighten some and to be brutally honest, some thrusting models are so ‘try-hard’ it is laughable. The Happy Rabbit is less robotic to keep you on your toes and I personally think it helps that it doesn’t resemble a penis.

One of the quietest thrust-capable models on the market that we have come across, it’ll keep your secrets safe from your roommates.

With a decent amount of lube, a ribbed-tip is amazing. If you love rhythmic sex or hate when a boyfriend changes gears when you are close to have an orgasm, then this is your sort of toy. Built for women who are comfortable with body exploration.

The thrust is energetic but not so chaotic that it can bounce across the bed. Passionate penetrations or a pounding at your own command are close at hand with this powerful animal.

Variety is the spice of life and the Happy Rabbit has a plethora of patterns to keep you just as happy.

The ears have 9 modes to unleash which I would describe as a yawn-worthy gentle buzz that thankfully, cranks up to intense clitoral overload. So grab yourself a cheeky, release and enjoy the rhythm of the night.

Things We Liked:

  • Doesn’t worm its way across the bed if you force it out mid-orgasm.
  • Or roll off of the bed and thump the floor whilst your in a post-orgasmic daze.
  • No worrying about the neighbors hearing if you kick it up another gear.
  • Thrust isn’t robotic and boring, nor chaotic.
  • Ribbed-tip enhances the repetitive penetration.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • I could foresee this one becoming a little too addictive.

15) Rabbit Vibrator, SVAKOM Alice – Best for Those Who Love Anticipation.

svakom rabbit vibrator

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The Svakom Alice looks a bit more basic than other bunnies but it has kept many women in good-company on a lonely night. To be frank, the slow settings on the Svakom Alice may frustrate the hell out of you.

They are fun if you like it kinky but not if you are in a rush to reach orgasm. Our favorite thing about Alice is the ‘intelligent mode’, which is sort of like the Russian Roulette of the rabbit world. It definitely takes the boredom out of a rainy afternoon.

When engaged, the toy takes control. So you can forget the fiddly buttons and revel in not knowing what comes next like a submissive, little minx. Perfect for those who value their private time and enjoy the aches of anticipation. This teasing, bad-boy will bring you to the brink and back…

Packed full of surprises it is a great one to bust out whenever you get bored with your regular toys. It’s waterproof which is great because you can drag it to the shower for a selfish quickie.

It charges conveniently with a USB cable and can be used whilst hooked-up if you get impatient. We are crowning this one the ultimate booty-call substitute – ready whenever you are.

Things We Liked:

  • Chock-full of fantastic functions.
  • Brings an air of mystery back to masturbation.
  • Awesome for lazy people.
  • Great boredom buster.
  • No need for a battery stash.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • You might not have the patience for it.

16) Jessica Rabbit – Best for Shower.

jessica rabbit

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The Jessica Rabbit is probably lurking in more than a million bedside drawers. Why?… 2 words, multiple orgasms!

This rabbit vibrator has 3 speed settings over 7 different patterns. It’s 100% waterproof for an easy-clean or if you’re anything like me you can take it for an intimate bath.

Made with a soft, safe jelly for an easy insert, it has a smooth, bulbous tip that has a fuller feel and knows just where to go to get you off.

A life-saver for the liberal and the promiscuous, this pink jelly-baby is built to please. The only real problem with this toy is the noise.

I don’t know about you but I don’t care how pretty the pearls are, or how well they work if they alert the entire neighborhood. If however, you don’t really care who hears your business then spread your legs and enjoy.

Jessica has 3 speeds so she’s good no matter your mood. Be warned, it doesn’t switch off quickly, so unless you want to get caught and spanked – steer clear. The slow speeds are great for getting nice and wet before a partner comes home. Take it one step at a time or play until you ache.

Things We Liked:

  • Classic rabbit, with a history of getting the job done.
  • Range of ear movement-patterns to tease yourself or your partner with.
  • Fuller-feeling from the rounded tip.
  • A one-way ticket to O-town.
  • Waterproof, my daily showers are getting longer for sure.

Things We Didn’t Like:

  • If you have cycled through the settings you have to cycle back down to switch it off. This is a great way to let your self back down gently but sucks if you are caught mid-action.
  • The rotating pearls are pretty useless if you are trying to hide your hobby.

Comparison Table

Here is the full link to our testing spreadsheet.

How To Choose The Best Rabbit Vibrator For You (5 Tips):

Tip 1) Length

Just how much you can insert on a rabbit varies but is typically a little more limited than a regular vibrator or dildo. Their design is very much more focused on the vibration front, so don’t be disappointed.

They are made to hit your clit externally and G-spot internally, in unison. Without pulling out a tape measure for an awkward measuring session they can be tough to gauge, so you may have to be prepared to try a few- but that is an adventure in itself.

Tip 2) The Elusive Clit

Like and inexperienced lover, rabbits can have just as tough a time trying to find your clit. This is largely due to different body shapes.

Fortunately, there are tonnes of flexible, modern models that have axed the little ears and opted for a large-surface secondary arm that may take care of your needs far more efficiently.

Tip 3) Lifestyle Choices

Being a lone-wolf or in a steady relationship can dramatically change your rabbit demands. Likewise, your living arrangements play an important part.

Buying a sex toy is an intimate affair, you have to know your needs to find what suits you best. Couples should seek a range of settings to keep things interesting.

Tip 4) Unwanted Listeners

If you live in a busy household and would prefer to be a little more incognito with your late-night hobbies, then we advise staying away from a pearl-powered rabbit. Sure the pleasure is immense but they make such a racket everyone will hear you ‘drilling’.

Tip 5) Cost

As with any electronics, you get what you pay for. Everyone deserves a satisfying sex-life, so it is not to be skimped on. That said, if funds are low there are plenty of fun bunnies in the lower-priced regions. We have tried to include a good mix in terms of budget.

3 Things To Keep In Mind Before You Buy a Rabbit Vibe:

  • Bigger Is Not Always Better
    No matter how well-endowed, you naturally stretch during sex. With the dual vibration capabilities of a rabbit, the girth and length are less important. Some of us are greedier than others but with settings that range from a gentle buzz to pillow-clutching clitoral overload; Size is one thing that doesn’t matter. Pipe down size-queens, we still have you covered!
  • One Size Does Not Fit All
    A rabbit vibrator has an internal phallus and an external arm that reaches around to your clitoris because our bodies are all different, some might not suit you. If the ears are nowhere near your clit, then the point is defeated. Total buzzkill. So, window shop, read your specs and settle on something flexible.
  • Buy From Reputable Source
    Rabbits are made from a range of synthetic materials such as silicone and TPE but there are some cheaper products on the market that shockingly, are not body-safe. Some of the jellies utilized break down slowly. Given the intimate nature that’s a problem – so stay savvy ladies.

Best – If

RabbitBest ForFor You IF
Lelo Soraya RechargeableBusy Modern WomenYou need a reliable and convenient toy.
Rose Petal Rabbit VibratorWomen Who Love OralYou fancy something different.
Lelo Ina 2ExperimentationYou play with a partner.
Eve’s Sexy Things RabbitHigh LibidosYou just can't get enough.
Evolved Wild Orchid VibratorIntense VibrationsYou get bored easily.
The Very Wide Rabbit VibratorSize-QueensYou like 'em well hung.
Mantric RechargeableAdventurous CouplesYou enjoy double penetration.
Adam & Eve’s G3 MassagerSpeedy SessionYou don't get a lot of 'me time'
50 Shades of Grey Greedy Girl G-spot Rabbit VibratorExperienced WomenYou prefer a harder toy.
Posh Silicone Bounding BunnyPetite WomenYou prefer a shorter length.
Jopen-lust-l16TravelingYou want a hot holiday.
Wild G-spot VibratorWomen Who Rarely ClimaxYou find it hard to cum.
Silicone Jack RabbitBeginnersYou are new to rabbits.
Happy Rabbit ThrustingSingle LadiesYou like a thrusting model.
Rabbit Vibrator, SVAKOM AliceThose Who Love AnticipationYou enjoy being less in control.
Lovehoney Jessica RabbitShowerYou like long showers.

The Best Rabbit Vibrator: FAQ

    • How Do I Use a Rabbit Vibrator?

Many of us are guilty of using a rabbit in a rush, our number one piece of advice is lube. If a rabbit vibrator does its job, you should get pretty wet quickly but it is worth a slippery start-up to save feeling chafed.

Step 1

Spend a few minutes lubing your lips and make sure you coat your clit because that is where the stimulation is going to be focused.

Step 2

Now you can cover the toy itself. Something with a little more substance is better. Runnier lubes might roll straight off of your rabbit on to the sheets.

Step 3

Be sure the tip has a generous topping so that you can insert the tip without any discomfort. It is important to relax especially if it is a new experience.

Step 4

The clit stimulating parts are generally easy to identify. More often than not they are smaller than the shaft. If you are confused by a unique design, check out the curvature. The clitoral arm always arches towards the shaft.

When you are sure it’s the right way around slide it carefully inside. You don’t have to insert the full insertable length. If you have a ribbed model or a bulbous tip this can be half the fun.

Step 5

Once you have everything in the right place begin with the lower-speeds and progress.

    • What is the Best Position to Use a Rabbit Vibrator in?

If you have built-in controls on the base of your toy then lying on your back or side will work best for most women. Separate remotes might allow for more creativity. If you are putting on a show then spread your legs. With a Partner to help you can explore other positions, so get creative.

If you have your settings adjusted the way that you want you could kneel upright. Hold the base in place with your thighs to gyrate your own body. Having to squeeze your legs and engage your core may bring you to climax quicker.

    • Is it Safe to Use a Rabbit Vibrator Regularly?

Sex-toys are developed by experts in their field. Most will be designed to substitute the natural biologic thing. If they aren’t your average toy they’ve still have been made with your anatomy in mind. Most are also tried and tested before launch. Lucky guinea-pigs, right?

Hell yeah it is safe to use a rabbit regularly but we do have a few words of wisdom. Sexual activity boosts serotonin but the word ‘regular’ is subjective. When it comes to vibrators, everyday use is not an issue so feel free to add a rabbit to your daily routine.

Everybody needs orgasms. People who climax strongly and regularly get sick less, are less depressed and have a more positive outlook on life. Sex is vital to our health! Better sex is key to a joyful life- and getting a little help can be fun.

Over-stimulation, however, is an issue. With a rabbit the flow of blood to your clitoris is increased. If you were to use a rabbit vibrator for hours on end the area can swell so take breaks if you are infatuated with your new toy.

If you rely on sex-toys for a release it can also spoil regular sexual stimulation for some individuals.

    • Are Rabbit Vibrators Better than a Regular Vibrator?

Sexual preference is again a subjective topic, some will argue yes and some will argue no. It is dependent on your outlook towards ‘Better’ and the criteria you judge with.

A regular vibrator only provides internal stimulation unless you use it externally on your clit. So in terms of how much stimulation they provide a rabbit could be considered better.

Some regular vibrators can be used anally whilst many rabbits cannot. If you like to be able to use your toys more liberally then this could mean you find a regular vibrator favorable.

It is also worth mentioning that they are designed for women and a regular vibrator is less gender-exclusive which again could sway the vote.

    • Can a Rabbit Vibrator be Used with a Partner?

YES! Rabbit vibrators like most sex toys can really help keep the spark in the bedroom. Although they are designed to stay in place and stimulate your clit and G-spot you can let your partner take control of the settings.

Then they get to decide how subtle or intense your stimulation is and you get to go hands-free. If they are not so hands-on then you can use your rabbit to show them what you like and they can watch you revel in your new toy.

They are a good warm-up before sex, you’ll be dripping wet once you are finished with your rabbit and then they can reap the rewards. Some rabbits are flexible and softer and comfy enough for them to penetrate you too. So the very adventurous can enjoy double penetration.

    • How Loud is a Rabbit Vibrator?

With the exception of pearl shafts and some thrusting/rotating models, you will be pleasantly surprised. Several websites rank their vibrators by noise level with descriptive words to help you gauge.

Maxed out speeds require more kinetic motion in the motor-department so you should expect them to be a little noisier. A vibrator will usually be a little quieter once it is inside of you. Your own body will stifle some of the sounds as it absorbs the vibration.

    • How Do I Clean and Maintain My Rabbit Vibrator?

Caring for your rabbit is the same as with any vibrator. Rinsing with warm water is always a good idea. Some materials require special attention. Some lubricants can or can’t be used with certain materials. Many sex-toy companies produce their own cleaning solutions to keep bacteria at bay.

You should have somewhere hygienic to store your toy during its time off. As we briefly glossed over silicone toys should be kept separated from one another.

It is never a bad idea to clean the toy before as well as after use. If you are sharing toys it is imperative to keep them well-looked after. If you are intent on going A-V be sure to clean between.

Why Should You Trust Us

To give our best rabbit vibrators article the fun but thorough research it needed we decided to give Katherine the task of team leader.

A self-proclaimed sex-toy guru, she has worked as a sex-toy sales manager and has plenty of firsthand personal experience that she isn’t afraid to share. As part of her work as a senior LTS team member, she tries an average of 10 toys a week to keep up to date with current trends.

Outside of LTS, she has had many dealings with some of the hottest brands on the market and knows the ins and outs of the vetting process from start to finish.

Having spoken directly with manufacturers and FDA approved independent certifiers, she has a critical eye for vibrator quality. Jenny also got involved with her AASECT  accredited colleagues.

Though most of us were in a hurry to try the bunnies, we take our work pretty seriously and so we had to hop to it to put in the hours first.

We chose several sources to sift through from academic journals of studies conducted by numerous universities listed with the US National Library of Medicine and Science Daily to the less serious, but influential modern avenues such as Women’s Health, TeenVogue, and NYMag to name a few.

An important read we found useful was a revealing article entitled Female Sexual Arousal: Genital Anatomy and Orgasm in Intercourse by Kim Wallen, Ph.D. and Elisabeth A. Lloyd, Ph.D

We also used social media outreach and forum digging to gather priceless customer feedback and see if there were any rabbits we hadn’t heard of. Shoutout to the NSFW Girls’ survival guide subreddit thread where women are openly discussing how well their bunnies are buzzing. All of this helped us create our initial shortlist.

Real-world views are important because users aren’t trying to sell. As a sex-toy sales manager, Katherin knows all too well how to read through the marketing spiel and spot the ones that will hit the spot.

A rabbit vibrator is designed to stimulate the clitoris to orgasm, so we also sought counsel from the American Board of Sexology, counselors and sex therapist internally at LTS as well as external like Harley Therapy.

Rabbits were distributed using a blind testing method to make sure none of us held a particular brand bias, although it is probably fair to mention that some of us already owned a few and so some were instantly recognizable.

A 30-minute cap was agreed upon, we could explore all settings freely but if 50% of our toy-testers didn’t get their rocks off then the product was excluded in round one.

To examine the versatility, couples were enlisted to decide how user-friendly they were and whether or not the range of settings was overkill or unnecessary.

Each rabbit was used comparatively as our product lists shortened until each tester had selected their favorite 5. The data was correlated into a comprehensive final list for critical evaluation.

More On How We Ranked and Compared These Toys:

The Ability to Get You Off

As we already briefly said, the ability to get you off was at the heart of every product decision. It is the key thing on everyone’s mind when they are browsing for a sex-toy. We aren’t looking to use it as a rolling pin to bake cookies.

Of course, when it comes to sexual stimulation everybody is different. There is no guarantee what works for one will work for another. That said, rabbits cover two hot-spots, vibrating, probing, rotating and some even thrusting. So most will find it tough not to erupt.


Comfort is key with anything you decide to insert anywhere. The comfort levels were decided on by looking at the proportions of the toys (including girth and length), the materials used and the shape.

Some of the less traditional models may appear like alien appendages but they are created ergonomically by experts. Don’t be afraid to try something new. If you are single and in heat then you may prefer biologically accurate toys. For others, a fake, veined penis is a massive turn-off.


With safety, our main thoughts were focused on material. The material used gives the vibrator its most basic form of stimulation. Without even switching it on the material affects the way it feels inside. You need to know if you want something harder (ABS and other plastics) or soft (silicone and gel).

If you opt for silicone you need to remember not to store it with other silicone vibrators. If you want soft, gel or jelly options It’s worth spending more time and money because some can be dangerous. You also need to consider which lubricants are safe.

Noise levels

So a vibrator is always going to have a hum, a sound-wave is after-all a vibration itself. We are well aware that for some of you sex is a personal, intimate thing which many of you tend to keep private.

Even if you are completely open, you may find a loud motor grinds your gears more than it grinds your goods. Fortunately, the tech has advanced in the last decade. Many modern vibrators are quieter than their ancestors.

Keep in mind that pearl models will always be louder. Hopefully, with our suggestions, you will only have to conceal your squeals.


Most of us will have a go-to setting that we know will do the trick but things can get stagnant without variety. We chose all of our rabbit vibrators with versatility as a key factor to make sure there were plenty of settings to explore.

The rapid speeds aren’t always the best, sometimes the journey is just as exciting as the destination. If you skip through you will likely get bored with your bunny sooner. Most of the toys we have listed offer a wealth of settings.

Some of the best of the bunch can have mixed and matched combinations to help keep things fresh.


As we stated all of our rabbit selections come with discreet packaging. Not everyone wants to shout about their rabbit from the rooftops. So to help you hide your hobby and keep it hush-hush we have been picky when it comes to providers.

You can relax knowing that your rabbit will arrive without a public announcement. Your details are also kept confidential. Sometimes Amazon products can come less discreetly so be sure to check.

We have done our research and the products we have picked such as the Jack Rabbit from Cal exotics arrive without any disclosing details.

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Avatar for Deon Black About Deon Black

In the past 11 years, Deon has helped tens of millions of people around the world through his sex toy reviews and guides. Since 2012, he and his team have spent over 60,000 hours testing more than 1000 sex toys. His work & advice has appeared on websites like: Insider, Healthline, MensHealth, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, Romper, WomensHealth and more. Learn more.