Lelo Ina Review (2024 Update) – Getting Intimate With The Lelo Ina

I’m going to be blunt in this Lelo Ina review. I would not have purchased the Ina at first glance. I love luxury items, but for the most part, I shop practical, and the price tag threw me off.

I’d been more or less happy with the little chrome vibes that are in every sex store in the world, and I wasn’t really looking for a change.

However, as it turned out, I was wrong and hopefully, my review will help you learn from my mistakes. Lots of vibrator reviews talk about power and sensation, but I get up (or is it down) close and personal.

Update 2024: Lelo Ina 2 (the one I tested in this review) has now been replaced by Lelo Ina 3. Very little changes in between the two versions.

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I happened to be browsing a luxury toy site, and between rolling my eyes at all of the pricey chrome and glass, the Ina 2 grabbed my attention right away. Some of my friends adored their rabbit vibrators, but the cheap rabbit vibrator I had tried left me cold. I wondered if price makes a difference, and long story, short, OH GOD it makes a difference!

Seriously, if you have a short attention span and you like vibrations of any sort, go out and get this toy. It’s changed everything for me, and I can’t recommend it enough. Ever.

But anyway, getting down to the nitty-gritty, let’s start from the beginning with this Lelo Ina 2 review.

Lelo Ina 2 in my hand

Lelo Ina 2 Review – Holding it in My Hand

Lelo Ina 2 Review – The Packaging

Geez, this is fancy, I thought, pulling it out of its purple and black box. If it tells you anything, I removed the foam lining and ended up using it for a craft project later on. We’re so far beyond needing a dull kitchen knife to hack open dangerously sharp plastic packaging that it isn’t even funny.

Lelo Ina 2 packaging

Lelo Ina2 review – Packaging

As I removed the toy, a chunky little instructional booklet fell out. Do yourself a favor, and read it over. It’s not really titillating material, but it will probably spare you some of the moments I had later on.

Simply put, the packaging is discreet and classy, like something you would get out of a boutique. It’s  perfect for gift-giving or treating yourself.

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Lelo Ina 2 Review – First Impressions

For all of the great reviews I had heard about this particular Lelo vibrator, I was a little skeptical. It seemed smaller than I usually like, but as a rabbit vibe, girth and length are not necessarily what is called for.

The purple portion, made of FDA-approved silicone, had the soft-touch lining that I love but that some of my friends hate. It doesn’t feel like real skin unless your lover is maybe an android or something, but I think the slightly velvety finish is perfectly comfortable.

The purple portion of this rabbit vibrator joins up with the hard plastic handle nearly seamlessly, and when I go to check, I see that yup, it is, in fact, waterproof. There are four buttons on the handle, all of which are easily activated with gentle pressure, and at the very end of the handle is a capped port for the rechargeable.

I plug it into the wall, gleeful that I am at least temporarily free of the curse of needing to find the double A batteries when I want some fun, and leave it for a while.

Plug in and accessories for Lelo Ina 2

Lelo Ina 2 Review – Plug in

How to Use Lelo Ina 2: The Basics

I read less of the instruction manual than I should have. I admit that now. If I had read it, I would have figured out much more quickly that the configuration of buttons is mapped to the toy as it is positioned on your body.

Remember, position the toy, and then figure out what you want. When you want to learn how to use Lelo toys, read the instruction manuals. They are absolutely there for a reason!

For the purpose of this review, I’m calling the buttons N, S, E and W after the cardinal directions, with N for north being the furthest away from you and S for South being the closest to you. And now I will be be a real adult and not make an ‘eating south of the border’ joke.

Moving on.

I find that using a bit of water-based lube on both the vibrating ends creates the best effect, but do remember that this is a silicone toy. Do not use a silicone lube unless you are prepared to wreck it and then cry a lot.

Read our article best lubricant for women for more details about lubes.

Due to some of my own anatomy, I found that inserting the larger end all the way was a little uncomfortable for me. Instead, I ended up holding the toy almost perpendicular to the bed underneath me when I stretched out on my back. This way, the smaller “ear” could be placed directly against my clit, while the larger one rested right against my inner labia.

(Seriously, if that was too much for you, bail out now.)

So properly lubed and pressed against my privates, I turn it on, and wow.

Zoom on Lelo Ina 2's buttons

Lelo Ina 2 Review – Buttons

I’ve used a Hitachi Magic Wand before, and like most people, the Hitachi’s about the last word in terms of powerful vibrations for me. I don’t think the Ina 2 is more powerful, but I do think that it focuses the vibrations on a much smaller space. There’s no large soft head to distribute the sensations, and those silicone ears do not have a lot of give to them.

See it

You use the W button, marked with a plus sign, to turn it on, and you can keep it depressed until you reach a type of vibration that you like. Use the E button, marked with a minus sign, to reduce pressure and to turn the vibe off. N and S lets you cycle through the 8 available modes.

It sounds pretty simple when you put it that way, but as I am with video games, I’m a bit of a button masher. I wanted to try all the buttons at once, and honestly, that’s not the best way to experience this toy.

Lelo Ina 2: Mode by Mode Breakdown

Let me give you the benefit of my experience with each separate mode, as I’m pretty sure no Lelo Ina 2 review is complete without a mode by mode breakdown.

Steady, Both Ends Vibrating

This is the first mode listed in the manual, and it’s the one that comes up when you turn the Ina 2 on. They say you should always start strong, and in my opinion, they started with the very best. The vibration is steady and intense, and it really shines when the power is turned all the way up. This is probably also the loudest setting for the vibrator.

While this might be one of the most dull settings in term of what this toy can do, sometimes you cannot beat the classics. The motion is smooth, and just about perfect. This makes it the best rabbit vibrator I’ve run into.

Shaft-Only Vibration

This is the second setting on the Ina 2, and it actually seems to be a little weaker than what happens when you are using both arms. The Ina 2 has a longer arm than the previous model, and the vibration comes through all along it. The extra cash does seem to give your more vibrations along the surface.

Clit-Only Vibration

This is more fun than the shaft-only vibration. Nicely intense, and once again, turn it up to the highest vibration speed for something special.

Alternating Vibrations

The alternating vibrations setting is hard to describe unless it is actually on you, but basically one arm buzzes and then the other one does. It’s honestly a little distracting, but once you settle into it, it’s appealing. Not really a show-finisher, so to speak, but definitely worth warming up with. If you like to play with delayed gratification, this is a good choice.

Both Ends Pulsing

This setting, the fifth press of the button, causes both arms to pulse together in concert. This is more intense than the alternating pulses setting, and the steadiness is a lot more appealing to me. If you want something that’s different from your standard vibe, try this setting.

Escalating Pulses

For some reason, this setting on the vibe feels very futuristic. It starts with a low pulse and ramps up over about three or four seconds to a more rapid pulse. This works really well if you can match your breathing to the pulses. I’ve had luck both breathing in and breathing out during the escalation. This is another setting that doesn’t necessarily see you all the way through to the end, but it’s definitely a great one to follow up with something more powerful and consistent.

Escalating and Alternating

The pulses in each arm trade off and increase and decrease in intensity. This was an interesting idea, but it didn’t work for me personally. However, my friend who has this toy is in love with this setting. Like, seriously adores it, and it’s about the only one that she really every uses. According to her, the speed and the intensity are overwhelming, so I’m going to guess that this is one of those love it or hate it settings.

Chaos Setting

I’m someone who only really likes steady pressure. Hence, I am not a fan of the chaos setting, where as you might guess, things just kind of go wild. This is a great setting for someone who really likes a lot of interesting sensation. Even I have to say that this setting is exciting, but it doesn’t do the job for me. However, if you are into kinky fun, it’s the perfect orgasm denial toy in the hands of the right top. For me, I had to turn it on high and leave it up there for quite some time.


Supposedly there are five different intensity settings on the Ina 2, but consistent pressure on the intensity buttons will increase or decrease the strength and speed of the vibrations accordingly. The smoothness of the transition is excellent, and the upward scaling is intense when you press the plus button.

There are two miniature motors in this toy, one in each arm, and the result is a toy that potentially packs as much a punch as a Hitachi set roughly to medium or medium high. This is one of the things that makes this one of the best rabbit vibrator options on the market.

Ina 2’s Recharging Ability

There was a rather longish period there where I was using the Ina 2 nearly every night. These were very good nights, and I used it for around 40 minutes or so at a time. This leads me to one of my favorite attributes of this toy, this being the ability to plug it in, charge it up, and go.

This toy charges up in somewhere between 1 and 2 hours, and it stays charged for a little more than 2 hours. This is plenty of time for a wide range of activities, and then you can skip purchasing batteries ever again.

I will say that there was a rather rough moment when I was getting familiar with the toy. As the rechargeable battery winds down, the control buttons start to flash red. There is really nothing wrong with this, but when you are having a good time and all of the lights are off, well, maybe you don’t want your private parts to light up like a Christmas tree when you are having some fun.

Charging Lelo Ina 2

Lelo Ina 2 Review – Charging the Vibrator

Solo or Partner Play?

Some toys are designed for two-person fun, and some are best enjoyed on your own. The Ina 2 is perfect for both. I’ve used it mostly for solo sessions, but when I’ve brought it into a partnered experience, I’ve found that it can be tons of fun. Remember that there is a bit of a learning curve when it comes to using this toy. Be willing to spend some time educating a partner on the intricacies of the different settings. However, simply handing it to them and letting them use it on you can be a lot of giggly fun.

Water-Proof Fun

Don’t be nervous about taking the toy into the shower with you. I was a little nervous about the port, but first there is a cap on it, and second, there is a tight seal inside the port itself. Lelo Ina 2 works perfectly in the water, though there is a statement on the packaging about it not being good below about a meter of water. That being said, you probably shouldn’t be using a toy on your tender bits in deep water or a chlorine-rich environment anyway, so most people will fine.

Best Position for Lelo Ina 2

Now we’re getting a little personal, but I’ve never thought that there was such a thing as wasted information, even a little bit. Like most users, I started out on my back, which gives the most access to all of the fun sensations, but there’s something to be said for getting more tension into the act. Try rolling over on your side, inserting the toy, and closing your legs around it. This is a good choice if you want a lot of sensation that is a little dulled and very diffuse. Try pulling it away from your body while tightening your legs around it at the same time.

Incidentally, this is also a toy that can do a lot of good when you are sitting up in, say, in a computer chair and watching your adult movies or reading your erotica. Close your legs the toy, and push yourself against it.

Is Ina 2 Comfortable?

This toy requires a fair amount of pressure when you are using it. I can type upwards of 10,000 words per day, and that kind of use takes its toll after a while. Holding the toy against your body is relatively comfortable, but I’m not sure that there is a way to go hands-free with the Ina 2. This could pose a bit of a problem for someone who has hand issues or mobility issues of any sort. Possibly something to think about.

VIbrator’s Noise Level

They call this toy whisper-quiet on the website. I love it dearly, but I am honestly not sure about that. The initial levels of vibration are pretty quiet, but when you’ve got it turned all the way up, it’s really hard to pretend its anything except a vibrator or a large swarm of angry bees.

If you are someone who needs to be discreet, perhaps stick with the lower settings, or take your chances on your walls being thicker than mine. However, I do find that the best sex toys to be on the loud side, so take that as you will.

How to Clean Up Lelo Ina 2

When it comes to clean up, this toy is amazingly easy. It’s made of silicone, and its completely waterproof, at least as far as your sink is concerned. Warm water and a mild antibacterial soap can take care of the cleanup, or you can simply invest in a great toy cleaner designed for silicone toys. Take the time to dry it off after you are done.

Another thing to remember is that it is definitely dishwasher safe, though it is also definitely a sex toy. There is no pretending that this one is a piece of sculpture or an interesting piece of dishware, so be careful, and get it out of the dishwasher when you are doing your Thanksgiving prep.

Handy Hint When Using Lelo Ina 2

Take advantage of the lock feature. The buttons are wonderfully sensitive, and you certainly will not need to stab at them when you are indulging in some fun, but this very sensitivity can lead to some embarrassing mishaps when you are on the road.

As Fight Club taught us, vibrations and buzzes make airline personnel very nervous, and the last thing you want is a serious conversation with TSA because you want to bring along the Ina 2 to keep your company while you are on the road.

In my experience, the the Lelo Ina 2 has a lock function is extremely reliable, and it has not caused me a lick of trouble going through any security checkpoint.

Last Word About this Magic Toy

Go buy the Lelo Ina 2. Seriously. Do yourself a favor and buy this toy. It really sold me on luxury items, and even as I added more to my collection, this one really does remain a favorite. If you believe a single vibrator review today, believe me. When you are looking for the best sex toys out there, don’t skimp!

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