How to Make Her Cum in 6 Steps – Female Orgasm Guide

how to make her cum step

As a former international player and playboy I have banged a lot of beautiful, hot girls all around the world and I have learned a thing or two about female orgasm. At one point in time I had a harem of over ten beautiful young girlfriends at the same time, while dating new random ones here and there.

My background makes me extremely qualified to speak about how to make a girl cum, although that has never been my goal, and I never cared about their orgasm. Nevertheless they kept orgasming all the time. I hope you find something useful in my guide, and if you need help, drop me an email and book a coaching session with me, if you can afford it.

Are you ready to learn the secrets of giving a woman an orgasm? Want to know how to make her cum?

If you are, then buckle up, because we’re about to dive into some juicy and exciting territory.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Oh great, another internet article about how to please women.”

But fear not, my friend!

This won’t be your average “10 tips to make her scream” kind of post.

We’re diving into the juiciest, wettest, and wildest details on how to make a girl cum, including everything every guy should know, but only a select few do.

So without any further ado, let’s get started on this orgasmic adventure!

Table of Contents

How To Make Her Cum – A Step By Step Guide

Step 1: Turn her on

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The very first step in making a woman cum is to ensure that she’s aroused.

Turning her on can be done in a number of ways, but making sure she’s comfortable and relaxed are by far the most important things to remember.

It’s also important for you to be comfortable and relaxed too.

This will show her that you know what you’re doing, that you’re a man, and that she can relax and surrender herself to you.

Step 2: Get to know the clit and the g-spot

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The clitoris and the G-spot are easily the most sensitive parts of the female vagina.

And although there are many different types of orgasms, most women find it easiest to orgasm from clitoral stimulation.

So make sure you get to know her love button!

Whether you’re eating her pussy or penetrating her with your penis, her clitoris and G-spot are your best friends when it comes to making her cum.

Step 3: Experiment with different types of stimulation and positions

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There are obviously many different types of stimulation you can use to pleasure a woman.

After all, you can make her cum with your penis, fingers, tongue, or any number of sex toys.

So it’s good to try different techniques, different positions and prioritize those that provide the best feedback.

So, for example, if you’re licking her pussy and she’s moaning like crazy, then it’s working and you don’t need to change a thing.

But if you try a fingering technique and she doesn’t react favorably, it’s time to reassess what you’re doing.

Step 4: Don’t stop

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Women need consistency when it comes to working their way up to orgasm.

Starting and stopping, or just trying too many different things are some of the fastest ways to prevent her from having an orgasm.

So if you ever hear her say “don’t stop”,  don’t stop!

She’s almost there! Keep at it and get ready because she’s about to cum… right… now.

Step 5: Take that leap of faith

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Once you can confidently make your girl cum with your fingers and tongue, it’s time to step things up a notch.

The next time you’re pleasuring her and she’s getting close, switch up and penetrate her with your penis.

Keep going and she’ll likely cum in no time.

Step 6: Keep experimenting

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Experiment with different positions, play with toys, get her horny even even while she’s still dressed, be an alpha male…

These are just some of the many different ways you can get a girl to cum very quickly from penetration alone.

The trick is, of course, to find out what works.

Play with her arousal and never stop improving.

Mindset 101 – Her Orgasm is Not A Big Deal

Never take this stuff seriously. A girl may cum, she may not cum, that is not your problem and it should never bother you. You should approach the topic of female orgasm just with a fun, playful and curious mindset. It should never be a big deal.

If you make it a big deal, you will look needy. And there’s nothing less attractive for a young, hot, sexy 20 something girl than a needy guy.

Of course if you’re dating some older woman wearing the pants in the relationship, then things will be different but I don’t have any advice for that situation because I avoid it like the plague.

If you’re having sex with a young, feminine, hot beautiful girl, do not take her orgasm seriously, do not try too hard. You want to have sex the way YOU enjoy it, in order to please YOURSELF. Egoistic men display non-neediness, confidence, an abundance mindset and that makes them irresistible for young hot girls.

Sure you want to make your girlfriend orgasm, and you will try the techniques in this guide, and it’s all good, but just do it for fun, don’t take it seriously and know that if she sticks around with you it’s because of who you are as a man, your alpha male qualities, not because she has an orgasm with you or not.

Bottom line is: If you want to make your girl orgasm do it because it brings enjoyment to YOU not because you hope that this way she will love you more or stick around with you. The first action comes from a self-amusement mindset, the second comes from fear of loss. Women can smell fear from a mile.

Female Orgasm 101: What Every Guy Should Know But Few Do

Gentlemen, listen up!

We’re diving into what every guy should know about making a woman really wet in bed and bringing her to climax.

Unfortunately, only some men know these things.

So, what exactly are the best ways to make a woman really wet in bed and make her cum?

1) Know how the female body (and mind) works

First things first, you need to understand that female arousal is a complex process involving physical, emotional, and psychological factors, and it varies from woman to woman.

So I strongly encourage all men (and women) to learn about the female body and mind.

Learn about women’s primal instincts, and what all women have in common regarding their anatomy and how they experience pleasure.

Aside from that, there are some general tips and tricks that can help you get your girl in the right headspace and physical state for a mind-blowing experience.

For starters, take your time. It’s not a race!

Rushing straight to the main event is a surefire way to turn her off and prevent her from reaching her full potential.

Spend time on foreplay, explore her many erogenous zones, and try different techniques to gauge what works best for her.

Watch her physical reaction to see if what you’re doing is working.

And don’t underestimate the power of mental stimulation.

Physical arousal starts in the brain, so try to create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere, where she’ll be more likely to enjoy herself.

Set the mood with dim lighting, soft music, or even some aromatherapy.

I used to love candles, when I was bringing a new girl to my house I would always light up candles (ah, so many memories…), it just helps.

Make sure she feels safe and comfortable, and create an environment where she can let go of her inhibitions and fully immerse herself in the experience.

And last but not least, let’s not forget about clitoral stimulation.

While penetration can be pleasurable, it’s not always the key to bringing a woman to climax.

In fact, most women have trouble cumming from penetration alone, and 36% of women say they NEED clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm.

The clitoris has thousands of nerve endings and can be incredibly sensitive, so take your time to explore it and find out what works best for your partner, which brings us to our next tip:

2) Understand the different types of orgasms

Contrary to popular belief, the female orgasm isn’t a one-size-fits-all experience.

In fact, there are several different types of female orgasms, each with their own unique sensations and triggers.

Here’s a closer look at the different types of female orgasms:

  1. Clitoral Orgasms – This is the most common type of female orgasm, and it’s usually achieved through direct stimulation of the clitoris. The clitoris has thousands of nerve endings and can be incredibly sensitive, which can make this type of orgasm particularly intense and enjoyable.
  2. Vaginal Orgasms– This type of orgasm is achieved through penetration and stimulation of the vagina. While some women find this type of orgasm harder to achieve than others, it can be very pleasurable and is often described as a deeper, full-body experience.
  3. G-Spot Orgasms – The G-spot is an erogenous zone located about 2-3 inches inside the vagina on the front wall. Stimulating this area can lead to a G-spot orgasm, which is described as a powerful, full-body experience that can last longer than other types of orgasms. This type of orgasm can also lead to female ejaculation (squirting).
  4. A-Spot Orgasm – The A-spot is an erogenous zone located deep in the vagina, near the cervix. Stimulation of this area can lead to an A-spot orgasm, which is often described as a deeply satisfying and pleasurable experience.

3) Know what turns her on

Here are a few things that tend to get the ladies going:

  1. A good sense of humor – That’s right, folks. If you can make her laugh, you’re already halfway there. There’s just something about a person who can crack a joke and lighten the mood that’s incredibly attractive.
  2. Confidence – A guy who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go after it? That’s hot! Women love a man who’s comfortable in his own skin and isn’t afraid to take charge. So being confident and sure of yourself is a great way to increase your changes of making her cum.
  3. A kind heart – Sure, they all want a bad boy from time to time. But at the end of the day, most women are looking for someone who’s kind, compassionate, and empathetic. So be nice to her and to others. Bonus points if you love puppies and help little old ladies cross the street.
  4. Intelligence – Women also appreciate a man who can hold a stimulating conversation and challenge them intellectually. Great if you know a thing or two about quantum physics, but just being willing to talk about mature topics is just as important as any type of book smarts.
  5. The little things – It’s the small gestures that count, my friend. Whether it’s opening the car door, leaving cute notes, or surprising her with her favorite snack, women love a man who pays attention to the details and makes an effort to make her feel special.

4) Take care of yourself

One of the most important things you can do to increase your chances of success is to take care of yourself.

When you take care of yourself, you naturally feel better about yourself. You’ll feel more confident, which is a highly attractive trait to many women.

Whether it’s hitting the gym, getting a fresh haircut, dressing better, or taking care of your skin, taking care of yourself shows that you value yourself and your appearance.

And let’s face it, nobody wants to date someone who’s always sick or rundown.

By taking care of yourself, you’re not only improving your physical health, but you’re also increasing your energy levels and overall wellbeing.

This can make you a more enjoyable person to be around, and a better lover in the bedroom!

5) Be more dominant

It’s no secret that women are attracted to dominant men.

While every woman is different and what turns one person on may not work for another, there are a few good reasons why being dominant tends to be a turn-on for women.

First and foremost, being dominant can convey a sense of strength and confidence.

A dominant man takes charge and knows what he wants, which is incredibly attractive to women, since they want a partner who is assertive and sure of himself.

Additionally, being dominant also creates a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Women often enjoy feeling a sense of danger or unpredictability, and being with a dominant partner creates an intense and exhilarating experience.

But it can also create a sense of trust and security.

When a woman allows herself to be vulnerable in the presence of a dominant man, she is entrusting him with her safety and well-being.

In return, the man is expected to provide both physical and emotional safety, which can create a deep sense of intimacy and connection.

And that, my friend, is a key aspect of female arousal.

6) Find a balance between rough, gentle, romantic, and super sexy

Dominance is great. But being dominant doesn’t mean being violent or abusive.

So you need to find a healthy balance between being rough and sexy, and still showing tenderness, love, and care at the same time.

Being dominant can be a powerful and arousing experience for many women, but it’s important to approach it properly.

If you want to have an idea of what dominant means, think of James Bond.

Of course here I could go down the rabbit hole and give you 100 reasons why you should not behave like James Bond and how that can stifle your personality, but as a general idea to give you a reference point, think of him. He’s a basic starting point. If you need help with these dating topics, I can coach you about it, you can email me if you need.

Notice that the dominance described here has absolutely nothing to do with bdsm, where they picked the word and made it into a weird caricature. Many men that call themselves “dominant” in that scene just because they can hold a whip are actually beta males that are very far from being dominant in real life.

7) Trust, intimacy, and vulnerability

When it comes to pleasure, most guys focus solely on physical stimulation and technique.

While these are certainly important, they’re not the only factors that come into play when trying to make a woman orgasm.

In fact, three of the most important elements for achieving sexual pleasure are trust, intimacy, and vulnerability.

To fully let go and enjoy the experience, a woman needs to feel safe and secure with her partner.

This means she needs to trust that her partner will respect her boundaries, listen to her needs, and communicate openly and honestly.

Intimacy is also very important.

When a woman feels emotionally connected to her partner, it creates a deeper and more meaningful sexual experience.

And finally, when a woman feels comfortable enough to be vulnerable with her partner, it creates a sense of trust and intimacy that can lead to deeper and more intense physical sensations.

Ultimately, knowing the female anatomy is great, but trust, intimacy, and vulnerability are essential ingredients for making a woman orgasm.

How To Find Her Clitoris – In 3 Easy Steps

The clitoris isn’t hard to find.

But if you’re new to the female vagina, let’s just say that finding the clitoris might feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

But fear not! Follow these three steps and you’ll have her little pleasure button directly in your sights!

  1. Follow the map – No, not Google Maps, silly! I’m talking about the labia. Follow her outer lips until you reach the entrance of the vagina. Once you’re there, look up and you should see a small button just above her vaginal opening. That’s your target!
  2. Use your tongue – Once you’ve found her clit, it’s time to say hello. Remember that the clitoris is super sensitive and can be easily stimulated with some well-placed digital or oral attention. So, pucker up and get to work! Going down on her and learning how to eat pussy is one of the best ways to get her turned on and ready for a mind-shattering, leg-shaking orgasm.
  3. Use your fingers – Don’t be afraid to ask your partner for guidance. They know their body best and can show you exactly where to go. Obviously, it’s not hard to find her clitoris, but learning how to finger a girl properly comes down to practice and experience.

Common problem: I can’t make her cum during sex

If you’re having trouble getting your girl to orgasm, you’re not alone.

I assure you this is a very common, age-old problem, which is precisely why I’m writing this article in the first place.

So if this sounds like your situation, and if you’ve already spent a lot of time experimenting with different techniques and methods, one thing you can do is to simply talk to her about it.

Maybe she’s shy and gets nervous when you’re in the sack together. Or, maybe you’re just not hitting the right spot.

My personal theory on this topic is that there’s an evolutionary reason why women don’t always cum, while men do. We orgasm for a reason, to procreate. Male’s orgasm serves the purpose of reproduction. Female orgasm’s purpose is simply to get females addicted to sex, so they want to have sex more and more, which in turn favors reproduction.

In my opinion mother nature gave Variable Rewards orgasms to females in order to make them addicted to sex and increase their chance of having sex and making babies, even if that meant enduring child bearing. Variable Rewards are more addicting and motivating than Constant Rewards.

This in my opinion explains why girls are literally obsessed with sex 100 times more than us guys, for them sex feels better than it feels for us and it delivers random addictive rewards.

Either way, talking to her is the best way to find out what’s getting in the way of her orgasms, and what you can do to help.

And when you do ask her, just be casual and chill, and definitely don’t make it a big deal about it if she doesn’t seem like she wants to talk about it.

The worst thing you can do is get upset or frustrated, which will only make your situation worse.

Why do some women struggle with orgasm?

There are many reasons why a woman might have trouble reaching climax, such as:

  • Insufficient stimulation
  • Poor performance from her partner
  • Nervous, anxious, or depressed
  • She experiences pain during penetration
  • Self-conscious
  • Takes medications that impact her libido
  • She doesn’t think her partner is interested in sex
  • Her body simply doesn’t cum

Sex Positions And Techniques To Make Her Cum

While almost any position can cause a woman to orgasm, there are some tried and true techniques that work for very specific reasons.

Let’s take a look!

1) Missionary – For Clitoral Stimulation

Missionary position is a sex position where both partners are face to face, with the receiving partner lying on her back and the penetrating partner positioned between her legs.

The missionary position can be beneficial because the angle of penetration can allow for direct or indirect stimulation of the clitoris as the penis and pubic area rub against the clitoral area during penetration.

Alternatively, she can use her hands to touch her clitoris, or you can use your hands to stimulate the clitoris during intercourse.

2) Cowgirl – For her pleasure

The cowgirl position is where the woman straddles the man and takes control of the pace and depth of penetration.

With this position, the woman can either face the man (cowgirl) or face away from them (reverse cowgirl).

The cowgirl position can be beneficial for female orgasms because it puts her in control of the movements, which allows for more targeted stimulation of the clitoris and areas that she enjoys most.

This can be particularly helpful for women who have difficulty reaching orgasm through penetration alone.

Tip: In reverse cowgirl, you can make her straddle between one of your legs, so her clit will rub against your thigh.

3) Edging – How To Give Her Better, Stronger Orgasms

Edging is a sexual technique where a person, male or female, intentionally delays orgasm to build up sexual tension before finally allowing themselves to climax.

This technique is typically used during masturbation by men learning how to last longer in bed, but it can also be used during partnered activity in virtually any position.

When a woman engages in edging, she can experience stronger and more intense orgasms because the build-up of sexual tension leads to a more powerful release.

Edging can also help a woman learn about her body and sexual preferences, as she becomes more aware of what feels good and how to control her sexual response.

One way to practice edging is to bring yourself or your partner to the brink of orgasm and then pause or slow down stimulation for a short period of time.

This should be repeated several times before finally allowing yourself or your partner to orgasm.

Another method is to vary the intensity and type of stimulation to keep the body guessing and increase the level of arousal.

So basically, you’ll start slow, build up some speed, and then slow back down again.

Either way, the point is that you don’t want to make it a one-way race to the finish line. Take your time, enjoy each other’s bodies, and the rest will happen naturally.

Sex Positions To Stimulate Her G-Spot

Of course, virtually any sex position can work wonders, but for the best results, you’ll want to use positions that optimize clitoral and g-spot stimulation.

Below, we list some of the best positions for g-spot play.

1) Pillow under the butt missionary

From the classic missionary position, you can heat things up quite a bit just by placing a pillow underneath her butt.

This changes the angle of penetration, which should make it easier to stimulate her g-spot when you’re thrusting into her.

Just make sure to use a pillow other than the one you sleep with, or put a towel, her dress or your t-shirt over it first.

Remember, g-spot stimulation can cause some women to squirt, and I don’t want you sleeping on a soggy pillow!

2) Spooning

Aside from being a great position for watching movies and eating popcorn on the couch, spooning is another great position for g-spot stimulation.

When spooning, you’ll be entering her from behind, which should angle your penis directly toward her g-spot.

But it’s also a great position because it puts her in control of the depth and intensity of penetration, which can help her feel pleasure in her own way.

It’s also just a great position for intimacy since you can kiss her shoulders or neck, and caress her body while making love.

3) Doggy style (against wall or headboard)

Doing it doggy style, either with her standing against a wall, or on her knees against your headboard, is another great position for g-spot stimulation.

Much in the same way of spooning, this position ensures that the angle of penetration is pointed toward her g-spot, which should lead to intense pleasure, and hopefully, an even better orgasm.

In the end, it’s important to remember that every woman’s body is different, and while these positions might be great for some women, they might not work for others.

So again, it’s important to experiment, try different positions, and find out what works for her.

After all, they say variety is the spice of life!

The Do’s And Don’ts Of How To Make Her Cum

Now that we’ve covered the best positions and techniques for making her cum, it’s time to review the do’s and don’ts of making a woman cum.

The Do’s Of Making Her Cum

Below, we list some of the absolute hottest ways to help your girl achieve her next mind-shattering orgasm.

1) Talk to her and be vocal

As I mentioned, women need to feel intimacy to achieve orgasm.

And that’s precisely why talking to her and being vocal during your lovemaking can really help spice things up. Make sure to tell her what you like and remember to moan, groan, make sounds and show how much you’re enjoying her body.

Communication is one of the most essential components to a fun, fulfilling, and orgasm-filled sex life.

2) Add in some sex toys

Did you know that not all women can achieve orgasm through traditional intercourse alone?

In fact, 36% need clitoral stimulation to climax. And that’s precisely where sex toys come in handy!

They can provide that oh-so-important clitoral stimulation that some of us need to get the job done.

Not to mention that there are so many different styles and types of sex toys, that there’s virtually no limit as to how you can spice things up by adding in a toy or two!

3) Kiss her

Kissing can be a powerful tool in turning a woman on and helping her reach orgasm.

And there are several reasons why kissing can be such an effective tool for getting her to cum.

For starters, when we kiss, our brains release a hormone called oxytocin, which is also known as the “love hormone”.

Oxytocin is associated with bonding and intimacy, and it can help to create a sense of closeness between partners.

Kissing can also help to stimulate the body’s sexual response, including the pleasure centers of the brain.

This helps increase arousal and desire, making it easier for a woman to become sexually excited.

And finally, kissing can be a powerful form of communication between partners.

When we kiss, we can communicate our desires, needs, and intentions without words.

This can help to create a sense of understanding and connection between partners, which can make it easier for a woman to relax and enjoy sexual activity.

4) Linger longer over foreplay

Foreplay is a crucial part of sexual activity that can greatly enhance a woman’s experience and increase her chances of achieving orgasm.

In fact, many women require a significant amount of foreplay in order to become fully aroused and achieve orgasm during intercourse.

There are several reasons why foreplay is so important in helping a woman orgasm.

First and foremost, it allows the woman’s body to become fully aroused, which increases blood flow to the genitals and creates a state of heightened sensitivity.

This makes it more likely that she will experience pleasure and orgasm during intercourse.

So by prioritizing foreplay and taking the time to fully engage in it, couples can greatly enhance their sexual experiences and improve their overall satisfaction in the relationship.

5) Compliment her

Complimenting a woman during lovemaking can be an important aspect of creating a positive and fulfilling sexual experience for both partners.

You can tell her how much you love her, her eyes, her face, her breasts, or body… Just be genuine and mean what you’re saying.

Complimenting her can help build intimacy, increase confidence and self-esteem, and enhance her overall pleasure throughout the experience.

And complimenting her on her sexual abilities can also encourage her and bring out her inner sex beast.

7) Hold off

I mentioned a technique called edging earlier, and that’s precisely what I mean by holding off.

It’s fun to jump in headfirst and race your way to pleasure town, but slowing down, taking your time, and delaying orgasm can lead to stronger, more intense orgasms.

Plus, it usually takes a woman longer to reach orgasm than it does for a man.

So learning to calm your jets and last longer will ensure that she has all the time she needs to reach the finish line.

8) Use lube

Using lubrication during sex can be extremely important, and can greatly enhance the overall experience, making sex more comfortable and pleasurable.

One of the primary benefits of using lubrication is that it can help to reduce friction and discomfort during penetration, which is particularly important for women.

Even when she’s fully turned on, her vagina won’t always produce enough natural lubrication, which can make penetration painful or uncomfortable.

Using a high-quality lube or a specifically designed lubricant for women, can help to alleviate these issues and create a more comfortable and pleasurable experience for both partners.

On top of that, there are many different types of lubricants out there, including flavored lubes, which can add a whole other ingredient into your sex life.

9) Let her cum first

When a woman is able to achieve orgasm before her partner, it can provide her with a sense of intimacy and trust, both of which are essential ingredients to sexual satisfaction.

The key thing to keep in mind here is to not make it a big deal.

You can try to make her cum first, spend some time on it, but then if it doesn’t happen, move on, and focus on pleasure.

10) Rub her clit

I can’t say it enough: the clitoris is by far the most sensitive part of her vagina!

And as I’ve already mentioned, most women need clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm.

That’s right, for many women, clitoral stimulation isn’t just an option or added benefit.

It’s a necessity!

Therefore, whether you’re going down on her, fingering her, rimming her, or penetrating her with your penis, don’t forget to rub her clit.

It’s the most essential ingredient for making her cum!

11) Perfect your position

Understand that not every female’s anatomy is exactly the same, which means that not every position will feel good for every woman.

Maybe it’s missionary that feels best for her, maybe it’s doggy style, or maybe it’s her hanging from the ceiling fan while you bounce on the bed, jackhammering her all the way (okay, I made that one up).

Regardless, it’s important that you and your girl experiment with different positions and find out what works best for both of you.

If you need some inspiration, there are plenty of books, like the Kama Sutra, and online resources that can help you learn about different sex positions and why they’re beneficial.

12) Experiment

Sometimes, there’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing. After all, they say that if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

But if you or your partner is getting bored, it might be time to spice things up.

Couples’ toys are a great start, but there’s a whole world of sex waiting for you and her to explore.

For instance, you might experiment with BDSM furniture or BDSM gear like handcuffs, blindfolds, floggers, whips, chains, nipple clamps, etc.

The idea is to play around, experiment, and find out what makes her cum!

And the best part is? It can be a hell of a lot of fun!

The Don’ts Of Making Her Not Cum

By now, you should have a pretty good idea of what you can do to help your girl cum.

But it’s just as important to know what not to do.

So before you head out and start practicing what I’ve taught you today, let’s review a few of the biggest mistakes men make in the bedroom.

1) Don’t copy porn

Thanks to the advent of the internet, most males spend a good deal of time watching porn before they ever see a woman naked in person for the first time.

And no matter how excited you might be to try that new technique you saw on Pornhub, you need to realize that porn isn’t real sex and you should not imitate what you’ve seen.

Just because you saw a guy in a porn film doing something, doesn’t mean you should try to replicate it in real life. I mean, would you try to imitate a superhero after watching a Marvel movie? I hope not!

Plus, porn is totally staged, scripted, and edited to make it look good on camera.

If you try to imitate porn, you might end up hurting yourself. And no one wants a trip to the ER because you wanted to try a fancy move you saw in a porn video.

2) Don’t stop!

If you ever hear these words while making love to your girl, no matter what you do, don’t stop!

Whether through penetration, oral sex, or clitoral stimulation, women often need a steady, consistent rhythm to climax.

A consistent rhythm helps create a sense of predictability and control, which can be important for many women when it comes to their sexual pleasure.

When a woman knows what to expect and can anticipate the movements of her partner, it can create a sense of safety and security that can enhance her pleasure and reduce anxiety or discomfort.

3) Don’t make it a big deal

Some girls just don’t cum, no matter what you do.

They are rare, that is true, but they exist and you may be with one of them.

That doesn’t mean they don’t love sex, they love it just as every human does, but they could have some underlying condition that prevents them from having an orgasm.

And that’s OK!

If you make it a big deal out of her orgasm, that will only make you appear needy, which is a turn off for her and worsen the situation.

You will look desperate and as if you have low self-esteem.

You can still have a happy, long sexual relationship even if she never has an orgasm in her life.

Just make sure to focus on pleasure, and enjoy yourself and her in the moment.

After all, they say that it’s the journey, not the destination, that makes it worth it!

Frequently Asked Questions – How To Make Her Cum

For those of you that still have questions, we’ve included a few of the most frequently asked questions we get from our readers about how to make a girl cum.

What are some tips on giving a girl her first vaginal orgasm?

Patience and understanding the female anatomy are important for giving a girl her first vaginal orgasm. Encourage her to explore her own body, focus on clitoral stimulation, try different positions, and experiment with different types of pressure and rhythm.

What is the best way to make a woman have an orgasm?

Clitoral stimulation is by far the best way to make a woman have an orgasm. In fact, most women struggle or are completely unable to orgasm from penetration alone. So rubbing, licking or sucking her clitoris is going to be your best bet!

How do you make a woman orgasm without going down on her?

Aside from going down on her, you can give a woman an orgasm by ensuring that she’s turned on, rubbing, feeling and caressing her body, stimulating her clitoris, and fingering or penetrating her with your penis.

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Avatar for Deon Black About Deon Black

In the past 11 years, Deon has helped tens of millions of people around the world through his sex toy reviews and guides. Since 2012, he and his team have spent over 60,000 hours testing more than 1000 sex toys. His work & advice has appeared on websites like: Insider, Healthline, MensHealth, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, Romper, WomensHealth and more. Learn more.